IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Members

The committees of the IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board facilitate the performance of its mission and vision, as well as its operational and administrative responsibilities. The board members that lead the HTB committees donate their time, skills, and experience to ensure that HTB inspires and empowers IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and supporting impactful humanitarian technology activities at the local level.

Lwanga Herbert
Lwanga Herbert is an innovation and technology enthusiast and practitioner inspired by technological solutions to diverse problems and challenges. He is the Co-founder of M/S LOG`EL GROUP LTD, an IT company based in Uganda and the co-founder of Log`el Science Foundation, a civil society organization which conducts research and development in science and technology. Lwanga Herbert was a beneficiary of the presidential innovation fund in Uganda from 2000-2005, which allowed him to develop a variety of innovations to address corresponding community challenges. These innovations were patented with the support of the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology. He has made several contributions within the IEEE community, which includes co-founding the IEEE Uganda Section and implementing humanitarian projects and programs in Uganda with IEEE support.
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Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan
Immediate Past Chair
Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan is a renowned technologist known for his innovations in addressing global humanitarian and sustainable development challenges. Prior to serving as the 2021 HAC Chair, Sampath was the 2019-2020 IEEE SIGHT Chair, leading the program to record-breaking growth through high-impact, technology-driven sustainable programs benefiting members in 115+ countries. In 2020, Sampath was an expert in the Broadband Commission working group on school connectivity co-chaired by UNESCO, UNICEF and ITU to drive “GIGA,” a Global School Connectivity Initiative. He is the founder and president of “The Brahmam,” a humanitarian program delivering next-generation social innovations to achieve sustainable development goals and benefit marginalized communities. He currently works as a senior technology and program management leader with Alexa Artificial Intelligence Group at Amazon. Sampath was the recipient of the 2020 IEEE Theodore W. Hissey Outstanding Young Professional Award.
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Karen Panetta
Dr. Karen Panetta is a Fellow of the IEEE. Dr. Panetta received the B.S. in Computer Engineering from Boston University, and the M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University. She served as the 2013-2014 IEEE-USA Vice-President of Communications and Public Relations. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the award-winning IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine and Editor of the IEEE Boston “Reflector” Newspaper. She served as the 2011 IEEE Boston Section Chair, and as the Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering from 2007-2009. She is currently the Dean for Graduate Education and a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Adjunct Professor in Computer Science at Tufts University. Karen has traveled around the globe to inspire youth to pursue engineering through her internationally acclaimed “Nerd Girls” Program.
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Maxwell Addison
HTB Member
Maxwell Darko Addison is a Senior Member of IEEE. He currently serves as the IEEE Ghana Section Membership Development Chair and the Young Professional Affinity Group Chair. He was the former Student Advisory and Activities Chair. He has a B.Sc. (Hons) Telecommunication Engineering, an M.Sc. Information Technology and is currently completing his PhD. He formerly worked as a Technical Manager for Forensic TSCM, a major provider of Cyber Technical Surveillance Counter Measure services in Ghana. He was also a team member of the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Project for E-Mobility and Climate Smart Agriculture in Ghana. Maxwell is the founder of EUMAX ICT, a registered IT/engineering business, and promotes clean technology education and usage among young people and those in underserved communities in Ghana.
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Simay Akar
HTB Member, MGA Representative
Simay Akar is a sustainable energy expert and entrepreneur in the energy industry. She is the CEO and founder of AK Energy Consulting, providing a wide range of environmental consulting services to achieve sustainability goals; from conducting environmental impact assessments to developing and implementing carbon management plans and a comprehensive range of supply chain solutions for clean energy technologies. Akar has a strong background in photovoltaic manufacturing, battery storage, and renewable energy systems, having worked in multicultural enterprises in several countries and served roles as a sales and marketing director, head of overseas marketing, and chief commercial officer and co-founder. She is an IEEE Senior Member and an active volunteer in several OU's and IEEE Societies' committees and initiatives since 2007. Simay received several prestigious awards from IEEE and other corporations:
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Emre Ayranci
HTB Member, Technical Activities Representative
Emre Ayranci is the Senior Director of Engineering at Murata pSemi in San Diego focusing on RF front-end ICs for 5G and beyond smartphones. He has over 40 granted and pending patents and experience at Intel, Broadcom, Marvel, German Aerospace Center, and a startup as a lead designer for 10-100Gb/s wireline and wireless transceivers. He is the Future Networks Steering & Strategy committee SSCS rep and World Forum general co-chair, IEEE YP past chair, MGA SPC training strategy lead, R6 SPC chair and SAC Vice Chair. He has held IEEE leadership positions such as SSCS Secretary/Governance Chair, SSCS YP Committee Chair, IEEE YP Vice Chair/TAB YP rep, Benelux YP, and Professional Activities Chair, Denmark student rep, and founder and chair of Technical University of Denmark and Sabanci University student branches.
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Peter Clout
HTB Member
Dr. Peter Clout’s studies in Physics were bracketed with computer programming and developing electronics to connect computers to the real world. He has worked at national and international laboratories in the United Kingdom, USA, and Germany. He started a company in 1989, which is still operating, to develop and sell industrial control system software to manufacturers, research laboratories, utilities, and aerospace companies. He has been an IEEE volunteer since 1987 starting with the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society as an AdCom member, President, Division Director and now Communications Committee Chair. Among other activities in IEEE, he has served as Chair of the Society Review Committee, Chair and then member of the Service Award Committee and more recently on the TAB Finance Committee.
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David Durocher
HTB Member, Technical Activities Representative
David Durocher (SBM ’77 M ’97 SM ’99) received a BSEE at Oregon State University. He served as Global Mining, Metals, and Minerals Industry Manager during his 41 year career with Westinghouse and Eaton serving in a variety of product engineering and global marketing roles, authoring numerous technical papers that have been presented and published in IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, Plant Engineering, and EC&M Magazine. He serves on IEEE Standards Working Groups IEEE1584 and IEEE1458 and is an active member of the IEEE IAS Metals Industry Committee and IAS Pulp & Paper Industry Committee. He served as President of IEEE IAS (2015-2016), IEEE Division II Director (2019-2020) and serves as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE’s Industry Applications Magazine (2019-Present).
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Mohamed Essaaidi
HTB Member
Prof. Mohamed Essaaidi (IEEE Senior Member) is Chief of Party of Interactive Digital Center Morocco and a Professor at ENSIAS College of IT Engineering of Mohammed V University. He is also a Past Director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of General Affairs & Governance, Morocco. He was the IEEE IoT Global Cities Alliance, MEA Chairman (2020-2021), IEEE HAC Assessment Committee Member (2021-2022), IEEE EAB Teaching Excellence Editorial Hub, Member (2021-2022), and a member of Committee of Global Accreditation activities (2017-2018). He was also the founder and past Chairman of the IEEE Morocco Section (2005-2016). He was extensively involved in the coordination of the World Bank Morocco Country Partnership Framework (2019-2024) and OECD Morocco Country Program (2019-2021).
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Stephanie Gillespie
HTB Member, Educational Activities Representative
Dr. Stephanie Gillespie serves as the EPICS in IEEE committee chair. In this role, she helps facilitate a community of service learning practitioners and selects specific service-learning projects for financial support. Her experience in service learning began at Arizona State University where she was a faculty co-director of the ASU EPICS program. In her current role as the Associate Dean for the Tagliatela College of Engineering at the University of New Haven (CT, USA), she supports student and faculty success while continuing to engage her first-year engineering class with a service learning project. She earned her PhD in electrical and computer engineering from Georgia Tech with a focus on speech processing to detect emotions in individuals with communication disorders.
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Matthew Imhoff
HTB Member
Matthew Imhoff is Technical Delivery Manager at UTS Rapido, a novel technology consultancy based at the University of Technology Sydney and focused on industry and social impact. Previously he developed farming robotics technologies at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (University of Sydney). Matthew has a long history of volunteering to support humanitarian engineering and sustainable development. He has volunteered for Engineers Without Borders Australia since 2006, including serving as New South Wales Region President. At IEEE, he has participated in SIGHT and HTB sub-committees since 2020 and is currently Chair of the Robotics and Automation Society, NSW Chapter. Matthew holds degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics from the University of Queensland, and a masters in international development from the University of New South Wales.
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Jayakrishnan MC
HTB Member
Jayakrishnan MC is a senior member of IEEE and part of IEEE Kerala Section. He completed his post graduation in Computer application and is currently the COO of InApp, India. Jayakrishnan was the chair of IEEE Kerala Section SIGHT from its formation in the year 2013 and has spearheaded many initiatives like SIGHT camp, CEW ( Community Engagement workshop including NGOs), Student HTC etc. These programs became examples for many other IEEE SIGHTs across the globe. He was a member of the IEEE HAC in the year 2022 and was the chair of the HAC Events committee. He was a member of the Region 10 team that went to assist the IEEE Nepal subsection to provide help to the devastating earthquake of Nepal in the year 2015. He was also part of the operational team of DART (Disaster Assistance and Recovery Team) constituted by IEEE India Council. Jayakrishnan was also the chair of IEEE Computer Society, professional activities, and SSIT under the IEEE Kerala Section.
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Kayna Mendoza Trujillo
Non-voting member: Young Professional (YP) Representative
Kayna Lee Mendoza Trujillo is a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) fellow at Northwestern University's McCormick School of Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering Department. She completed her Bachelor's of Science in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso and went on to complete her Master's of Science in Materials Engineering at Swansea University in Wales, U.K. Kayna, now, works at Argonne National Laboratory as part of her doctoral program pursuing research in fundamental magnetism. She has begun actively volunteering in (STEAM) outreach for under-represented and minority communities. This is her second year as an IEEE member and volunteer who is extremely passionate in contributing to spaces that are advocating for science policy, climate and sustainability outreach, and more.
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Vikass Monebhurrun
HTB Member, Standards Association Representative
Vikass Monebhurrun received the PhD degree in 1994 and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in 2010. He is the founder of the IEEE RADIO international conference series for which he served as General Chair for all eight editions since 2012. He served as Associate-Editor and Guest-Editor for the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Transactions and Editor of the IoP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. He is currenlty member of the IEEE SA Board of Governors. He was recipient of the Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale Young Scientist Award in 1996, the IEEE SA International Working Group Chair Award in 2017, the IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Humanitarian Technical Field Project Award in 2018, the IEC 1906 Award in 2018 and the IEEE SA International Award in 2019.
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Magdalena Salazar Palma
HTB Member
Born in Granada, Spain. Received MS and PhD degrees in EEE from Technical University Madrid, Spain. Holds an Honorary Doctorate from Aalto University, Finland. Currently Honorary Emeritus Full Professor, Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Carlos III University Madrid, Spain. Researcher in electromagnetic field theory; advanced computational and numerical methods for microwave and millimeter wave passive components, antenna arrays and smart antennas; advanced network theory; millimeter, submillimeter and THz frequency band technologies. Prolific well cited author of over 750 publications (books, articles in scientific journals, international symposia, etc.), and PI of projects and patents. IEEE Life Fellow, IEEE-HKN member. Volunteer for 34 years. Served in over 100 positions, among them, IEEE BoD member, MGAB member, R8 Director, IEEE GovCom member, Ethics&Member Conduct Committee Chair, WIEC Chair, AP-S President. Currently serving as EPPC Chair, member of IEEE Fellow Committee, IEEE CRC, TAB PerCom, and more.
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Lucia Pia Torres
HTB Member
Pia Torres is an electronics engineer from Tucumán, Argentina, specializing in project management, process optimization, digital transformation, and innovation in industry settings. She is currently a Sr. Project Manager at Globant and a Professor at Di Tella University in Buenos Aires. Pia is a social entrepreneur, UN SDGs Promotor, Diversity and Inclusion Champion, and STEM Education Ambassador. Pia is an IEEE Senior Member, an IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Member, and has been an IEEE volunteer since 2001. Currently she is a Board Member of the IEEE Industry Applications Society as the Diversity & Inclusion Chair. Awards include: the 2020 JCI Argentina Outstanding Young Person for Humanitarian & Volunteering Services, the IEEE Young Professionals Hall of Fame Award, and the 2019 IEEE WIE Inspiring Member of the Year.
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Adil Usman
HTB Member
Dr. Adil Usman works as an R&D Tech Lead at Varroc Engineering Limited in India. He was a postdoctoral researcher at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Colorado, United States from 2022-2023. Dr. Usman holds a PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India. His research areas of interests include design and diagnosis of electrical machines & drives for all electric transportation systems. Dr. Usman is a Senior Member of IEEE and serves as a board member for the IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS). He is an active volunteer in humanitarian technologies, contributing to projects, publications, and events including the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) and an IAS Humanitarian Ad-hoc Committee. Adil has volunteered for SIGHT and played a key role in setting up SIGHT Groups in Region 10.
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Andres Navarro Cadavid
Corresponding member: IEEE Communications Society Representative
Electronic Engineer (1993), with a Master on Technology Management (1999), both from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín. Obtained his PhD in Telecommunications from Universitat Politécnica de Valencia in 2003. He is IEEE member since 1995 and Senior Member since 2014. Advisor of the Spectrum Management Committee for Colombian Spectrum Agency and ITU expert. IEEE Comsoc LATAM Regional Director 2022-2023. As ITU expert, advised different governments in Digital TV and Spectrum Management. Is a participant on COST CA 20120 INTERACT and former actions COST CA15104 IRACON, COST IC1004 and COST 2100. He is member of IEICE and EurAAP. Currently is the coordinator of the PhD program on engineering and coordinator of the CENIT research center for technology in Health in Universidad Icesi, a joint center involving Fundacion Valle del Lili.
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Staff Support

Mariela Machado Fantacchiotti
Senior Director, Humanitarian Technology
Mariela Machado is a skilled professional with nearly two decades of experience building, deploying, and scaling international humanitarian programs at the intersection of technology, social/environmental impact and public policy in the private sector, public sector and academia. As the Senior Director of Humanitarian Technology at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Mariela leads multiple programs at the intersection of social/environmental impact and technology for this engineering society worldwide. Prior to IEEE, she was the Director of Programs at Newlab, a social innovation hub focused on scaling transformative technologies through public-private partnerships; she was also the Senior Program Manager at the American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME) & Engineering for Change working to support technology for sustainable development across all continents. Mariela advises capstone projects at the intersection of digital technology and policy at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University and teaches a class on emerging digital technology for social and environmental impact. She is a Telecommunication Engineer with MSc in Information and Communication Technologies and a MPA in Sustainable Development from Columbia University. Mariela is fluent in 5 languages: Spanish, English, French, Swedish and Italian.
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Ananda Grant
Director, Humanitarian Technology & Impact
Ananda Grant joined the Humanitarian Technologies team at IEEE in 2024. She has over twenty-five years of experience spanning the non-profit, NGO, social enterprise and private sector in the US and abroad. Most recently, Ananda worked in K-12 education where she led strategic partnerships, product management and strategy. Prior to this, she held a variety of roles focused on partnerships, program management, strategy and operations at organizations including the US Fund for UNICEF and Malaria No More among others. As Director, Humanitarian Technologies and Impact, Ananda will focus on impact strategy, partnerships, operations and outreach. Ananda holds an MBA in Management, Marketing and International Business from New York University Stern School of Business and a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies from the State University of New York at New Paltz. She is a volunteer mentor for NYU Stern Women in Business.
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Julianna Pichardo de la Rosa
Manager, Humanitarian Activities & Sustainable Development
Julianna joined the Humanitarian Technology & Sustainable Development Activities team at IEEE in 2018 after returning to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic. While in the DR, she worked with Esperanza International, a microfinance nonprofit dedicated to poverty alleviation. A fluent Spanish speaker, she has studied in Valparaiso, Chile, and volunteers as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher through a local library program. As the Humanitarian Technology & Sustainable Development Program Manager, Julianna supports the work of all the committees of the Humanitarian Technologies Board to ensure smooth and consistent processes that lead to meaningful impact. She especially enjoys meeting the IEEE volunteers from around the world that conduct projects that use technology to address a local sustainable development challenge for their community.
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Becky Boresen
MOVE Program Manager, Humanitarian Technologies
Becky joined the Humanitarian Technologies team bringing over a decade of experience from IEEE. She began her IEEE career in 2007 with the Conferences, Events & Experiences department, where she handled all aspects of conference registration and planning. In 2015, Becky transitioned to the IEEE Power Electronics Society, focusing on society operations and governance. In this role, she managed daily operations, including finances, governance support, and committee oversight for Women in Engineering, Diversity and Inclusion, and Young Professionals. Becky also contributed to special projects like webinars, strategic planning, mentorship programs, and networking events. Becky is known for her meticulous attention to detail and her ability to navigate complex projects and processes with ease. Her expertise in volunteer support, project management, and finance is matched by her dedication to promoting growth and innovation within the MOVE Global Committee.
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Brittany Chubbuck
Project Specialist, Humanitarian Technologies
Before joining IEEE in February 2024 as a Project Specialist, Brittany Chubbuck devoted over 9 years to The Salvation Army New Jersey Division. Her expertise spans Community Engagement, Business Administration, and Finance establishing a solid foundation for her current role. Brittany is a dedicated professional, known for her exceptional organizational efficiency, fundraising acumen, and unwavering commitment to the nonprofit sector. Holding a Master’s degree in Nonprofit Leadership from La Salle University and a Bachelor's degree in Education and Public Policy from The Pennsylvania State University, she combines academic excellence with extensive practical experience, positioning herself as a valuable asset in the intersection of nonprofit leadership and project management at IEEE.
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Betsy Toland
Finance & Operations Administrator
Betsy Toland joined the Humanitarian Technology & Sustainable Development Activities team at IEEE in 2016, returning to employment at IEEE after previously working with the IEEE Signal Processing Society where she managed the conference business of the Society.  While on a break from IEEE to raise her family, Betsy focused much of her time volunteering with the Home & School Associations in her town, serving in various fundraising roles and as one group’s President. She also volunteered with her son’s Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop, as well as a local dog rescue group.  She continues her volunteerism with both the rescue group and the town’s Project Graduation. Returning to IEEE brought Betsy the opportunity to be an important part of IEEE volunteerism in the HTB, where her time is spent helping to develop operational processes, supporting the work of HTB committees, and managing the financial operations of the department.
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