IEEE Humanitarian Technologies News

IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Newsletter: July Notes

A Message from the IEEE HTB Chair

July 2024

Hello esteemed members and volunteers,

Welcome to this edition of the HTB newsletter. This month HTB has continued its effort of inspiring and empowering IEEE volunteers around the world carrying out and supporting impactful humanitarian technology activities at the local level.

HTB recognizes that students and young professionals are endowed with a lot of passion, energy, and enthusiasm which they use to create concrete and sustainable solutions to existing global challenges. For this to successfully happen, they need inspiration and motivation from senior experts and professionals. In this respect, HTB was privileged to be part of the Region 8 Students and Young Professionals Congress which took place in Grenoble, France from 15 – 19 July 2024. HTB representatives presented on the Future of Humanitarian Technologies and participated in the Humanitarian Technologies Workshop and Hackathon. On the whole, HTB’s involvement played a key role in inspiring and motivating participants to contribute positively to humanity as a way of ensuring a balanced and a rewarding global environment.

To further develop HTB’s collaboration and partnership efforts in line with its 2024 strategic plan, I invite you all to participate in the ongoing calls for proposals where you can contribute solutions towards existing community challenges. 

On another important note, I also invite you to watch the new IEEE Humanitarian Technologies video to learn about the organization’s collective efforts in overcoming the existing global challenges so that together we can make the world a better place.

Lastly, but equally important, I encourage and invite all of us to uphold our passions and interests to benefit humanity across the globe.

Thank you.

Lwanga Herbert

2023 – 2024 IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Chair

Thoughts from the IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board (HTB) Immediate Past Chair

July 2024

Dear Colleagues and Members,

I’m excited to share that IEEE HTB had a great round of collaborative discussions with our IEEE Region and Society partners throughout the month. Coming soon, HTB will be announcing a joint call for project proposals with IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society in the coming months. This is a significant milestone as we bring together two key partners to deliver a member engagement opportunity to apply technical skills to real-world problems. We are currently engaged with key partner entities from Educational Activities, Technical Activities, and Member & Geographic Activities to strengthen and grow our partnership this year. We appreciate our volunteers at the grassroots for participating in and supporting these joint programs. Thanks!


Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan

2024 IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board Immediate Past Chair

Pictures from the 2024 HTB In-Person Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting Series

The IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Newsletter

The IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Newsletter provides monthly updates on humanitarian technology opportunities and activities at IEEE.

Let us know about ways for IEEE Members and non-members to engage in humanitarian technology activities at IEEE. Submissions should include a specific opportunity and details on how readers can get involved with a certain humanitarian technology program. Examples include calls for proposals, volunteer recruitment, contests, webinars and other events, etc.

We’d also like to know what you want to read about in upcoming newsletters.  Send your suggestions and ideas to

Other IEEE HTB News Sources


Please visit the IEEE HTB/SIGHT youtube channel for presentation and training recordings, in addition to submissions from SIGHT Groups.


Watch the IEEE SIGHT blog for news and stories on SIGHT projects and events around the globe, submitted by SIGHT members and volunteers.

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