IEEE AP-S, MTT-S, & Tech4Good Call for Proposals

The IEEE Tech4Good (T4G) program hosted by Humanitarian Technologies offers funding opportunities to support grassroots technological projects, led by IEEE members, that address local challenges related to sustainable development.

IEEE Microwave Theory & Technology Society (MTT-S) and the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) are partnering with T4G to conduct a call for proposals to support humanitarian technology projects for MTT-S and AP-S members that utilize technologies in their fields of interest to address local community challenges.

Applicants must be active IEEE members and either AP-S or MTT-S members and teams should include other members from the local chapter. Team members must have the relevant technical and other expertise to credibly execute the project.

Awards from US$3,000 to US$6,000 will be made to selected proposals that present a convincing six-month plan to deploy a technical solution in the AP-S & MTT-S fields of expertise that meets a current need of a local community or organization.

Technology Impact Categories

The starting point for a project should always be the needs of the community as evidenced through dialogue with local organizations and leaders. A project should always focus on people and the needs of the community, rather than finding a use for a particular technology. The local projects should include specific social impact goals that contribute to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Submission and Funding Details

  • Submissions will be accepted from 15 August – 01 October.
  • Term of funding: Up to 6 months; projects must start in the year that funding is awarded
  • Amount Awarded: US$3,000 – $6,000
  • Projects must comply with all national/federal, state, and local laws, guidelines, safety codes, and restrictions.
  • All projects that involve children must follow IEEE Guidelines for Working with Children. Any project funding will be contingent on policy compliance.

First-time applicants will need to create a profile on the Online Funding Opportunities Portal to submit an application.

Important Considerations

  • The primary applicant and proposed project lead must be an IEEE AP-S or MTT-S professional member grade or higher in good standing. Student members may be co-applicants. All member numbers are checked during the intake process. If membership status of the primary applicant is in arrears, the submission cannot move forward.
  • Each team may submit only one proposal.
  • An IEEE OU – preferably the local Section – must act as the fiscal agent. Applicants must discuss this with the OU Treasurer prior to proposal submission. Funds generally cannot be transferred to a Society Chapter or Student Branch. IEEE financial requirements for funding disbursements will apply. Please see IEEE FOM 2.E – IEEE Unit Reporting (Including, but not limited to, Societies, Technical Councils, Geographic Units, and Conferences).
  • Because U.S. economic sanctions and export controls are subject to frequent change, please review the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control’s Sanctions list to determine if your country can receive funding or contact with any questions before applying.

Please carefully review the Call for Proposals for more details and information.


Contact Information

We are happy to address any questions you may have about the application, the project, and criteria. Please write to